There is Nothing You Can Do About It!
I love Louis C. K., when I watch his show there are so many things that I can relate to. Browsing through the Internet a couple of months ago, I happened upon this image and when I read it, I laughed pretty hard. Whenever I am in a low mood, I always bring this image and another one up and they never fail to make me laugh.
I recycle.
I masturbate.
I am proud of it.
How sad it is that the image above is how we all have begun to communicate with one another? How sad is it when you want to talk to someone, it is sometimes impossible for that person to look at you while they have their mobile phone out because they are doing something on it? Do you wait for them to finish or do you continue to talk to that person simply accepting the fact that they are only halfway listening to you?
People can write articles about etiquette but if no one believes that such a thing should be followed then it really serves no purpose. In a group setting, if a conversation does not pertain to me, I have on occasion brought out my phone to keep myself occupied. I do not know if it is better to look at my phone or to have a glazed over look as I tune out the conversation.
Maybe it is a way for people to subliminally let the other person know that they are not really interested in what they are talking about. I am sure that if were just me and another person sitting down having a conversation that I would not be using my mobile phone. That would be rude and disrespectful. Sure, if the person had their mobile phone out while I was trying to talk to them, I could say something. But then again, why say anything since it is a powerful sign that they do not find what I am saying important enough to have their undivided attention.
Pretty soon, the only way we will be talking to another human being will not be looking directly at them, but looking at a tiny screen, typing a conversation to them.
Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty
That is the number of days that Danielle and I have been married. Today, we celebrate our eight year wedding anniversary. It was a cool Autumn day eight years ago, our ceremony was suppose to be outside, but the weather did not cooperate so it was moved indoors. It would have been nice to be outside with the leaves all changing colours but it would have been chilly. Since that time, we have been on many adventures, the move from Kansas City, Missouri to Hilliard, Ohio, Danielle's first trip overseas where we spent New Year's in London and more recently our fourteen day trek through France and Belgium. There have been a lot of good times and with all things there must be a balance so there have been some bumps along the way. Though, for me, it requires a fair amount of effort to remember the bad times which is the way it should be. It should be more about remembering and looking forward to the good times while the bad times should be used as lessons to improve and maybe one day laugh about. Maybe.I would say learn from, improve upon and let it be water under the bridge.
In my opinion no marriage is truly happy. It takes work, dedication, commitment and compromise. It has moments of great pride while having equal moments of humbling. It requires patience and the ability to forgive. It is frustration, which slowly leads to understanding. It takes time. It takes time to develop, nurture, love and grow together. It is a never ending cycle and maybe that is what in the end makes it something that is simply satisfying.
So to my wife, Danielle, it has been a wonderful eight years of challenges and growth. I am happy to have you as my partner on this road we are traveling. May our adventures continue, may we always learn something new and may we always continue to grow together.
In my opinion no marriage is truly happy. It takes work, dedication, commitment and compromise. It has moments of great pride while having equal moments of humbling. It requires patience and the ability to forgive. It is frustration, which slowly leads to understanding. It takes time. It takes time to develop, nurture, love and grow together. It is a never ending cycle and maybe that is what in the end makes it something that is simply satisfying.
So to my wife, Danielle, it has been a wonderful eight years of challenges and growth. I am happy to have you as my partner on this road we are traveling. May our adventures continue, may we always learn something new and may we always continue to grow together.
Joe Hallenbeck: Nobody likes you. Everybody hates you. You're gonna lose. Smile, you fuck.
Joe Hallenbeck: The sky is blue, water is wet, women have secrets. Who gives a fuck?
Joe Hallenbeck: The sky is blue, water is wet, women have secrets. Who gives a fuck?
Near the end of the work day yesterday a surprise popped up in the project chat window, in short, it was a message from one of the many "Team Leads" that said something along the lines of, "Thanks for all your hard work, take the weekend off." This message was shortly thereafter endorsed by the Lead of the Team Leads. What makes this so amazing is that the office work culture very highly promotes working on the weekend. This is further reinforced by the fact that any sort of "bonus" and/or recognition is based solely on quantity and not quality of work. It isn't so much working smarter, but more along the lines of work however many hours it takes to get the job done. Of course, the initial message included the familiar, "But if you are going to work then I will be available..." kind of statement. Why would someone say, "Take the weekend off" but then follow it up with, "But I'll be available..."? It seems to me that it was conveying the message of take the weekend off, but I want you all to know that I will be working because I am a "Team Lead" and that is what we "Team Leads" need to do. We need to set the example that we're going to be working on the weekend even though we said to take the weekend off.
Of course, when it all comes down to things in the end, these will be the folks recognized for "stepping up", "doing anything and everything they had to do to knock it out of the park" and so on and so forth. I've learned though, not to be forced into feeling guilty by not working over the weekend. Especially the truly frakked up way that the project is being run as I believe in Work-Life Balance and not Work-Life Integration.
You know the question, "If a tree falls in a forest, does it make any sound?"
An interesting question that made me think of this one, "If a deadline comes and goes without anything actually being submitted, was it a deadline in the first place?"
I ask this because on numerous occasions my co-workers and I have encountered this wonderful process which we call, "The Fake Deadline". It starts off with a "deadline" date being given and a somewhat vague description of what is due. As the "deadline" date approaches, everyone is working at a fevered pitch because as things go, sometimes a plan does not go the way it was thought up, if there was ever a plan at all. People work late, work has to be redone all the stresses of a project that eventually culminate to a crescendo as the day approaches. For the most part, these "deadline" dates always seem to occur at the end of the week, either a Thursday or a Friday. Remember that because I'll be coming back to that.
Back to the "deadline", since the "deadline" date is reached and is "the stuff" due in the morning? Mid-morning? Lunch? Mid-afternoon? End of the business day? Five minutes before midnight? When is "the stuff" due? Well those of us who are in the trenches, that information seems to be classified since no one will tell us this information. One scenarios is sometimes a trickle of information gets passed down into the darkness and pretty consistently that information is something like this, "Blah, blah, blah talked to the client there is some sort of change, blah, blah, blah and now the new deadline is at the beginning of next week so we have to get this blah, blah, blah stuff done over the weekend. We'll need to have you guys work over the weekend to get this done so we can knock it out of the park for the client. Blah, blah, blah." So in that scenario, something magical happened and the "deadline" date MOVED to the beginning of next week so that means we are required to work over the weekend to get more stuff done. Hrm. Interesting. I think I've seen something like this before, wait! I have! You know the movie, "Office Space"? The scene when Lumburgh comes over to Peter's cube and starts to tell him that he'll need to come in over the weekend? For anyone that has seen that movie, you all know what I'm talking about.
The second scenario is more subtle, on the day of the "deadline" nothing is said and no information is passed. Everyone is working and working and working. The end of the working day comes and still nothing is known so therefore everyone continues to work and work. Dinnertime comes and goes, still nothing. The "deadline" day comes and goes and no one knows the better since this will also require people to work over the weekend since no one knows when the next deadline is.
So, is there a deadline or not?
It is always bound to happen. Whether it is slowly or quickly change always happens. I accept that and the best one can do is roll with the punches. There is a a saying, "Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."
Let us say for example that there is a deadline at the end of the month, a discussion about what to do with some things on the project takes place weeks before this deadline and it has been agreed upon to move in this particular direction. Things are moving along, but wait! A week before the deadline it has been decided that something isn't right and despite the original plan still being logical that it would be better to do it another way for one reason or another. Sure, if there was still time to make these changes and do it the new way, I'm all for it. But one week before a deadline and now there is a change in procedure? What kind of operation is this?
And they wonder why there is a lack of motivation and/or morale. With sheer brilliance like this, it is no wonder that Scott Adams is hitting so close to home when it comes to the workplace.
I love when the weather is like this. Mother Nature is on her Winter or Spring kick and that leaves things in a bit of confusion as when to turn the heat off, when to put the winter clothing away or is this one of the days I can finally open the windows? It almost reminds me of the weather patterns in the great Pac Norwest, the gloomy, rain filled days only with a slightly chillier effect of the Upper Midwest. I love it! But not as much as I love Autumn. Soon though, this transitional weather will give way to the gradual warm up of Spring, which will give way to Summer and the gradually warmer weather that I am not a big fan of. I prefer the cold, wet damp as it makes me feel comfortable and secure. There's a bit of joy that runs through me when the wind blows hard enough to start the wind chimes and I could listen to them all day when everything around is subdued.
Sometimes it is the small things that bring happiness to fill the void of life's numerous disappointments.
Show IPA
Looking it up on Dictionary.com it is defined as:
a person who controls and manipulates resources and expenditures, as of a household.
British . (formerly) a theatrical producer.
When I graduated from college and started working for a sports architecture firm the term "manager" was someone that I worked with who assigned the tasks that I would be working on and was able to answer the questions that I had in my day to day assignments. Heck, even before I started working in the Architectural Department, when I first had my foot in the door at said sports architecture firm working in their Marketing Department, the "manager" would be someone who would assign me tasks to accomplish, ensured that I felt like I was a part of the team and was available to listen to my questions or concerns. As I continued down the road of my architectural career I have worked for many "managers" and have learned about the good and bad about managing. Well, at least in my own personal sense as I am merely talking about me here and not the collective that is out in the ether. After working in the trenches enduring the long hours, the late sleepless nights and passing on taking time off to meet the project deadlines when I finally received the title of "Construction Project Manager" I felt that I was adequately prepared to take on the task.
The initial project where I was assigned to be the "Construction Project Manager" was the first time in my career I was tasked with "managing" a team of individuals on a large scale project and it was exciting! I thought to myself, "I have finally been rewarded for spending all that time in the trenches." I was proud that my hard work and dedication had gotten me to the next level and I was determined to do my best. As all projects go, there were some hiccups, but in the end, I believe my co-worker and I accomplished what needed to be done with the tools we had and with that our time on the project ended.
Allow me to deviate for a short period of time because as I am pondering this post a thought came to my mind. If a company is filled with "Construction Project Managers" and there aren't enough projects to "manage" what happens to those who are deemed, "Construction Project Managers" when they are not managing a project? Why they are required to do the day to day tasks of course. Now I do not mind that every once in a while one has to return to the trenches to be in a support role for a project team. Working in Food Service for a time, I've seen "Managers" come off of a supervisory position to help out where there is the greatest need. Of course, they still continue to "manage" but they also lend a hand. I have no problem with this as it is my philosophy that we all started in the trenches so one should not be afraid to get ones hands dirty again.
I bring that up because after another project where I was assigned the task of being, for lack of a better term, an "Assistant Manager" and then another project where I was "managing" myself for the most part, I have essentially returned back to the trenches. On top of that, because of the economy, a comment heard most of the time from Upper Management, I have had to endure a series of salary cuts. I understand having to sacrifice a bit for the company, but what confounds me is that the company has hired additional staff and I am under the assumption that they too are "managers", the project we are working on has also been farmed out to a company overseas and then when I asked about when those of us who have had their salaries reduced expect to return to the "normal" salary I receive the answer that "where you are at now, is where you are suppose to be".
What?!?! Really?!?! Really?!?!
Looking back at the definition of a "manager" then and comparing them to what I am doing now, there is a vast difference not only in pay but also in responsibilities if I am to believe what the CFO of the company says. At least I see a big difference, of course the CEO continually states that one should, "Step up and take responsibility" on a project and that would be well and good if there were people to "manage". If we are all supposedly "Managers" wouldn't that be counterproductive to running a project? Someone has to do the work because in a team we all cannot be the "Manager". If one was to compare what is going on here with either the "Survivor" or "Celebrity Apprentice" shows, one would see that there is either a defined leader or one appointed by the collective group of individuals. Sure, they have their differences but in the end only one person makes the call. To have everyone be a "manager", in my opinion, makes everyone want to make the call or have their ideas at the forefront and nothing gets accomplished. One word comes to my mind immediately.
Ah...the First Day of Spring
Yes! It is finally here, the first day of Spring! Which usually means that people will become less crabby since the colder weather is starting to move further behind us and there may be a chance of one or two days of snow that will melt the same day it has fallen. Temperatures will slowly climb out of the lower 30's at night and already the days are getting longer.
Of course, this also means that as the snow melts and the grass and adjacent surfaces become more and more visible that it will soon become time to assess the damage of winter and get the long list started of various home repair/improvement items that will need to be done. I've already begun my list and it looks as though it will be quite the busy Spring when the temperatures start to level out enough that I don't feel the need to wear gloves and a stocking cap when I am outside.
There was not much done though on this first day of Spring as it has pretty much rained all day. I don't mind the rain, heck, I don't mind the snow either, so I am fine with either. The rain just tells me that we're warming up and the cold days of Winter will soon be gone. In a way I will miss having to shovel the driveway and starting up the snowblower to make short work of this long driveway we have, but then again, it is a season and it will return soon enough.
So happy first day of Spring!
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