

I love when the weather is like this. Mother Nature is on her Winter or Spring kick and that leaves things in a bit of confusion as when to turn the heat off, when to put the winter clothing away or is this one of the days I can finally open the windows? It almost reminds me of the weather patterns in the great Pac Norwest, the gloomy, rain filled days only with a slightly chillier effect of the Upper Midwest. I love it! But not as much as I love Autumn. Soon though, this transitional weather will give way to the gradual warm up of Spring, which will give way to Summer and the gradually warmer weather that I am not a big fan of. I prefer the cold, wet damp as it makes me feel comfortable and secure. There's a bit of joy that runs through me when the wind blows hard enough to start the wind chimes and I could listen to them all day when everything around is subdued.

Sometimes it is the small things that bring happiness to fill the void of life's numerous disappointments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love rain and windy days too.
My husband likes the sun.

I feel windy, cloudy and rainy is cozy =)